Unofficial Lauren Hewett Fansite :: Media - Messages

"Noreo’s webboard"

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>> I can only access the Internet when at my mum's work, which is not very often.
> how mutch are you on the WWW, in lets say a month.

Not even every month. It depends what Lauren is doing. Sometimes she comes if she is working near, or if her home page has altered a lot, and she wants to see it.
Glenda...(Lauren's Mum)..

– Glenda @ 1997-09-18 01:45:12

Hello I was wandering what sort of work you do and how much do you look on this page.

Niels, I am an analyst involved in WAN and LAN networks*. Monitoring and that sort of thing... I look on this page every week or so.... Glenda

– Glenda @ 1997-09-25 23:45:25

Lauren is currently in Melbourne, to film Thunderwith. I rang and passed on your message. Lauren says thank you. She will return mid February.

– Glenda @ 1998-01-09 00:33:17

Lauren is currently in Melbourne filming Thunderwith, and will return mid February. I rang and told her of all of the birthday wishes, and she was pleased that you had remembered her, and wanted to say thank you.
Glenda Hewett....

– Glenda @ 1998-01-11 18:50:23

LAN (Local Area Network) - компьютерная сеть, покрывающая обычно относительно небольшую территорию или небольшую группу зданий (дом, офис, фирму, институт);

WAN (Wide Area Network) - компьютерная сеть, охватывающая большие территории и включающая в себя десятки и сотни тысяч компьютеров.

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