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Hello Django and Alpha(?),
Thank you both for your support. Alpha is correct, my address is on my
Home page, looked after by Merijn, if you wish to mail me, or would like a photo, please se address on my Home page.
Best wishes,

– Lauren @ 1998-05-09 04:41:10

Hello Stevie,
It is nice to know that I have such support our there. I would be happy to
answer some questions about working on Ocean Girl. I have done this before
for Noreo, and on Spellbinder 2, for Sonesay, and on my home page, for other shows.
It would be best if you could contact Noreo, and he could put together a
list of questions that you would like answered. Noreo can contact me, and
I will answer as best I can. If any questions are about Spellbinder, it
would be best to contact Sonesay, and for any other shows I have done
contact Merijn. Then I could maybe answer all questions, as long as the list isn't too long.
Thank you all again for being very supportive of the shows that I film.
Best wishes,

– Lauren @ 1998-05-09 04:53:51

Hello Xanatic,
I'm pleased that you liked my breakdown on OG2. I had worked with Jeffery
before, and it brought back lots of memories of the previous show we worked on.
Best wishes

– Lauren @ 1998-06-07 02:11:48


– Lauren @ 1998-06-07 02:15:24


– Lauren @ 1998-06-07 02:21:15


– Lauren @ 1998-06-09 05:47:34

We moved around a fair bit for locations, and I do not remember the names
of the places we stayed.Sorry.

– Lauren @ 1998-06-09 05:54:22


– Lauren @ 1998-06-09 05:57:27

I am not sure of your names..
So hello to Andi and Bago. I will reply to both mails , I hope.
I am pleased that you liked both 'Mission Top Secret', and 'Ocean Girl'.
I only have contact with Marzena when we work on the same show. It is very hard to keep up with everyone that you work with. Marzena comes from Victoria, where some of Ocean Girl is filmed, and I live in NSW, another state in Australia. Jeffery, who plays Brett in Ocean Girl, I do keep in contact with, as we have worked together quite often. He is one of the most talented young people I know of. and you can expect big things of him in the future.
I have not learned another language at school. This is mainly because of the anount of time I was at school. In early years of High School,I learned a little French and German. However, as I was away so much from school, my teachers, family and I thought that other subjects would be better to concentrate on.

– Lauren @ 1998-07-12 08:33:07


– Lauren @ 1998-07-12 08:48:47


– Lauren @ 1998-07-12 08:55:08


– Lauren @ 1998-07-12 09:12:59


– Luaren @ 1998-07-12 09:17:19


– Lauren @ 1998-08-08 04:40:24


– Lauren @ 1998-08-08 04:44:07


– Lauren @ 1998-08-08 04:49:22


– Lauren @ 1998-08-08 05:05:25


– Lauren @ 1998-08-08 05:11:31


– Lauren @ 1998-08-08 05:16:58


– Lauren @ 1998-09-13 19:18:50


– Lauren @ 1998-09-13 19:21:40

Hello All,

Thank you for your wishes for my exams. And YES, they are over. I do not get the results until early January, so I am not sure how I went. Two of the exams were very hard, but fingers crossed.

My formal was this week, so I have now finished school, and am ready to work again. I went for my first audition this week, and will be filming in January, for 5 weeks, on a show called 'Home and Away'. The role is a good one, dealing with a very topical issue, and I am looking forward to it.

Best wishes

– Lauren @ 1998-12-06 04:35:38

Xanatic and Ghostwriter,

It feels great to be over with school. I do not get my results until early January, so it is a long wait, and hopefully I will be as happy then.

I have not been approached about filming an Ocean Girl movie. I have seen the press release from the production company, so you know as much as I do about the possibility of a movie.

At the moment I am looking forward to filming in January, and hopefully further roles throughout next year.

Best wishes

– Lauren @ 1998-12-12 23:59:50

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